Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Rontos and Thoy


  • Rice powder - 2 cup
  • Boiled water - 1 cup
  • oil - as needed for frying
  • Slat for taste


  • Add rice powder, a little oil, water and some salt and keep aside for 1/2 hour
  • Mix well to make it a dough.
  • Divide the dough into lemon size balls
  • Take two plastic sheets, apply oil on one side of each, place the rice balls on one paper (on the side where oil is applied), place other sheet over it, and then press using a steel plate so that the rice ball spreads neatly into a fine circle
  • Fry it in oil. Fry both sides
  • Serve hot with any curry. You can use Thoy (another Konkani dish) with Rontoso, and they go very well together (Please see the recipe below)



  • Thoor dal - 1/2 cup
  • Green chilies - 2
  • Coconut oil - 2 teaspoon
  • Mustard - 1/2 teaspoon
  • Red chillies - 2
  • Curry leaves - As needed
  • Water - 1/2 cup
  • Turmeric powder - 1 teaspoon
  • Slat for taste


  • Cook toor dal, green chilies, pinch of turmeric and water in a pressure cooker
  • Take a frying pan, add some oil and fry mustard, red chillies and curry leaves
  • Add this to the cooked dal mixture
  • Add salt to taste
  • Simmer it for a few more minutes so that everything gets mixed properly


Rasu said...

Thank you very much for posting such a wonderful recipe with Pic. Reminds me home and Holi Time.

Traditional Indian Cuisine said...

Thanks Rasu!